
Discover the easiest and most effective way to track WhatsApp activity - get started with our tracking app today.

Uncover the Power of Moniterro

Observing WhatsApp Messages

Get information about everything they send and receive remotely.

Observing WhatsApp Messages image
Checking Out Their WhatsApp Contacts

You will get access to the contact details, and you can make sure that everything is under control.

Checking Out Their WhatsApp Contacts image
Reviewing the Time

How often and at what time they correspond will become an open-book for you with Moniterro.

Reviewing the Time image
Browsing Images and Videos

Whatever transpires in WhatsApp, Moniterro has it covered. This incorporates all varieties of media.

Browsing Images and Videos image
Remaining Undetectable

Your actions will remain undisclosed. You shall stay completely invisible, with no app icon being displayed!

Remaining Undetectable image
Universal Device Support

There's no need to fret over the target device's operating system. Moniterro is compatible with all iPhone, iPad, or Android devices.

Universal Device Support image

Testimonials from our clients

Explore further insights into phone monitoring based on the experiences of our customers

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Emily J.

Thanks to this app's location monitoring feature, as it helped me find my lost phone! I’m impressed!

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Olivia W.

It's so easy to install and configure Moniterro - it couldn't be better!

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Ethan B.

I have 5 employees, and I feared they could divulge secret data. However, now I’m using software to control them. It's nice to have the peace of mind Moniterro gives me - great app!

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Ava J.

Really impressive features, especially geofencing and keylogger. I use them every time my husband goes on a business trip. Highly recommended!

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Noah D.

I do care about our project’s results, so I do track my team. With Moniterro, I know that they do their best and don’t spend working time on social media.

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Sophia T.

I can finally stop worrying about my kids being online with this app for monitoring all their activity. I know who they talk to on Instagram and what they like, share, and post!

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Mason M.

I’m really impressed! My son went on vacation with his friends. I know his exact routes and can be assured of his safety.

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Isabella A.

I suspected my husband was cheating and downloaded Moniterro to confirm my suspicions. Thankfully, it showed he definitely was!

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Liam W.

We had many suspicions that our nanny wasn't being honest about her working hours, but Moniterro proved this suspicion to be true - and it saved us a lot of money in the long run.

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Mia R.

My teenage daughter was being secretive about who she was talking to and where she was going - I installed this software on her phone and found out she had been lying to me about who she was seeing.

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Lucas T.

As a business owner, I kept track of my employees and ensured they were doing their job properly. I could also monitor their productivity and catch any suspicious activities in the workplace.


3 easy steps to start


Choose a suitable subscription plan. Complete the purchase and receive the instructions for further actions in your inbox.

track someones phone


Take your phone, install the app on it, and follow the instructions in the account.

app monitor


Log in to your user dashboard from any browser and start monitoring.

phone monitor


If any questions left

WhatsApp trackers are a monitoring tool that allows real-time tracking of all activity on WhatsApp. They are often included as part of comprehensive monitoring software, such as Moniterro, which offers monitoring of multiple social media and messaging apps in addition to WhatsApp.

When looking for a tracker that works, it's important to research and choose reliable and reputable monitoring software. Here are some tips to help you:
- look for comprehensive monitoring software that includes WhatsApp tracking as one of its features;
- read reviews and ratings;
- ensure that the monitoring software is compatible with the target device and that it has the necessary features to meet your monitoring needs;
- look for monitoring software that offers good customer support.
By following these tips, you should be able to find a WhatsApp tracker app that works and meets your monitoring needs, such as Moniterro, which meets all the criteria above.

If you're in a situation where you need to track WhatsApp activity without alerting them, using a monitoring application is a potential solution. First, you should find a monitoring app that operates covertly. This is where Moniterro comes in handy.
Once you've installed Moniterro on the target device, the app icon will become invisible. The person whose WhatsApp activity you're monitoring will not be able to see the app on their device, nor will they receive any notifications related to the app's activities.

Yes, Moniterro includes WhatsApp call tracker and messages tracker in real-time. As a comprehensive monitoring software, Moniterro provides you with access to all the information being exchanged on WhatsApp, including incoming and outgoing calls, text messages, multimedia files, and more. This information is updated in real-time, allowing you to monitor activity as it happens.

While many free WhatsApp trackers are available online, it's essential to be cautious and research before using them. Many free trackers are unreliable, may be scams, or contain malware that can harm your device. It's recommended to use reputable monitoring software for WhatsApp tracks like Moniterro, which offers advanced features for monitoring WhatsApp activity and ensuring your loved ones' safety. While Moniterro is not a WhatsApp tracker free, it provides a reliable and secure way to monitor WhatsApp activity, with comprehensive reports and real-time updates that give you peace of mind.

Installing a WhatsApp tracking app Moniterro is a simple process that can be done in a few steps:
1. Visit the Moniterro website and sign up for an account.
2. Choose a subscription plan that suits your needs.
3. You will receive an email with instructions on downloading and installing the WhatsApp number tracker Moniterro.
4. Once the app is installed, log in to your Moniterro account r to access the monitoring dashboard and view the target device's activity.
It's important to note that you should have the target device in your possession to install the Moniterro app on it and have the legal authority to monitor the device.

The legality of using a monitoring app like Moniterro depends on the laws of the country or state you are in, as well as the purpose and manner in which you are using the app. In general, it is legal to use monitoring software to monitor devices that you own or has legal authority over.
However, it is not legal to use monitoring software to monitor someone's device without their knowledge or consent, as this violates their privacy and can have legal consequences.

Start monitoring