Powerful location
tracking app

Find out where they are and their routes. Track their movements.

Monittero video poster

Moniterro superiority

Enhanced security

Keep an eye on their current location. Know that they are not in danger.

Enhanced security image
Detailed reports

Know their favorite routes and explore places they visit. All data is on your dashboard.

Detailed reports image

Establish permitted and prohibited areas. Only you choose the boundaries.

Geofencing image
Secret tracking

Software runs in stealth mode, so nobody will ever know that they are tracked.

Secret tracking image
Extremely compatible

Track iOS and Android devices. Almost any phone.

Extremely compatible image
Get notified

Set up notifications you want to receive about location tracking.

Get notified image

Testimonials from our clients

Explore further insights into phone monitoring based on the experiences of our customers

Start now
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Emily J.

Thanks to this app's location monitoring feature, as it helped me find my lost phone! I’m impressed!

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Olivia W.

It's so easy to install and configure Moniterro - it couldn't be better!

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Ethan B.

I have 5 employees, and I feared they could divulge secret data. However, now I’m using software to control them. It's nice to have the peace of mind Moniterro gives me - great app!

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Ava J.

Really impressive features, especially geofencing and keylogger. I use them every time my husband goes on a business trip. Highly recommended!

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Noah D.

I do care about our project’s results, so I do track my team. With Moniterro, I know that they do their best and don’t spend working time on social media.

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Sophia T.

I can finally stop worrying about my kids being online with this app for monitoring all their activity. I know who they talk to on Instagram and what they like, share, and post!

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Mason M.

I’m really impressed! My son went on vacation with his friends. I know his exact routes and can be assured of his safety.

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Isabella A.

I suspected my husband was cheating and downloaded Moniterro to confirm my suspicions. Thankfully, it showed he definitely was!

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Liam W.

We had many suspicions that our nanny wasn't being honest about her working hours, but Moniterro proved this suspicion to be true - and it saved us a lot of money in the long run.

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Mia R.

My teenage daughter was being secretive about who she was talking to and where she was going - I installed this software on her phone and found out she had been lying to me about who she was seeing.

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Lucas T.

As a business owner, I kept track of my employees and ensured they were doing their job properly. I could also monitor their productivity and catch any suspicious activities in the workplace.


3 easy steps to start


Choose a suitable subscription plan. Complete the purchase and receive the instructions for further actions in your inbox.

track someones phone


Take your phone, install the app on it, and follow the instructions in the account.

app monitor


Log in to your user dashboard from any browser and start monitoring.

phone monitor


If any questions left

Without any doubt, we can say that best location tracking app is Moniterro. It is a powerful phone location tracker that offers real time tracking and various other features. This app helps you monitor the exact GPS location in real-time. You can also use it to set up multiple virtual boundaries or geofences on the map. When they enter or leave a geofence, you will receive immediate notification.

Also, this app provides detailed data such as location history and journey reports. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily view the device's current location on a map and use numerous features to get full control over it. With that said, it can be a great choice of app for tracking phone location.

App to track phone location works by tracking the GPS location of the device it is installed on. It uses its built-in GPS feature to monitor and record the device’s location constantly, then sends the data back to your dashboard, where it can be accessed from any web-enabled device.

Moniterro also allows users to set up “zones,” which are virtual boundaries that can be set on your dashboard. If a user chooses to do so, they can receive instant notifications from the app whenever their monitored device enters or exits any of these zones.

Yes, some location-tracking apps are available for free. However, they may not be as reliable as paid options. It is important to do your research before downloading any app and determine if it meets your needs. Location tracking app free option may be malicious and provide inaccurate information, so it is important to research the app before trusting its data. Additionally, these apps may have limited features or require additional purchases for more advanced capabilities.

In order to use this technology, there are a few steps to take. First, you will need to download and install a real-time location tracking app on the device that you would like to track. Moniterro, for example, is available for both Android and iOS devices. After installation, you will be provided with an account to monitor your tracked object's current location.

You can also set up alerts to be sent to your device when the tracked object moves into or out of a certain area. Additionally, Moniterro allows geofencing, which will send an alert if the tracked device moves outside of a certain perimeter.

Unfortunately, we don’t have the ability to track locations with a phone number. Yet, our tracking location app has other options for monitoring. With Moniterro, you can use GPS tracking geofencing features. They both are a perfect choice if you want to find out someone’s location.

To install app to track phone location on a device, you will need physical access to the device and an active internet connection.

1. Download the app. You can visit the official website to purchase and install a compatible version of the app for the device’s operating system.

2. After downloading, follow the instructions to complete the installation. The installation process may vary depending on your device’s settings.

3. When the installation process is complete, you will be prompted to enter your credentials and activate the account. Once the account has been activated, you can start using app location tracking.

Make sure you have researched your local regulations before using the app. Depending on the conditions and purposes, the permission might change.

Start monitoring